Investment Recipes
Issue #9, 05 February 2020- Investment Recipes
AI and Robotics
Biotech 360°
Mobile Payments
Security and Space
Sustainable Future
AtonRâ Partners' research publication, brought to you every 2 weeks, with articles covering the latest developments in our investment themes.
In this issue of Investment Recipes:
CROs Are Going Mainstream
The CRO market is likely to expand, driven by the robust demand for services coming from Pharma and Biotech industries.
Wealthtech – Evolution Or Revolution?
Robo-advisors with a hybrid approach (human touch alongside automation) are likely to stand out in the WealthTech market.
A New Touch From Tech Giants
Big tech companies are increasingly stepping into the mobile payments landscape.
Hot Trends In Cybersecurity
Sector growth is boosted by rising cybercrime, growing geopolitical tensions, and the addition of AI to the solutions toolbox.
CREEating The Conditions For Takeoff
Cree is paving the way be become the undisputed leader in the provisioning of wide bandgap semiconductors for the automotive, energy and telecommunications industries.
Global Warming & Air Conditioning
We remain convinced that deploying efficient cooling technologies will be key to address climate change imperatives in this space, and we strive to select innovative actors in our Sustainable Future theme.
Fintech – An Emerging-Markets Story?
Given the relatively low traditional banking development in emerging countries, Fintech (and notably mobile payment) have found fertile ground and little competition, allowing them to spread fast.
Casual friday

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